Sandwedgers 2019: Killarney Golf & Fishing Club


June 10, 2024

Killarney Golf Club

Sandwedgers 2019 was the biggest event yet, with 19 eager participants descending on Killarney for the sixth annual tournament. Proceedings got off to an earlier start than usual, as most Sandwedgers elected to arrive at the Great Southern Hotel on the Thursday evening and enjoy the sights and sounds of the nearby Shire pub.

Day One was soon to become a significant chapter in Sandwedgers folklore. Torrential rain and hurricane conditions made for a tough afternoon’s golf. The fact that every player managed to finish the round was a result in itself. Despite the vicious conditions, Joe Conboy emerged as the overnight leader with a seemingly impossible tally of 36 points; arguably the most notable achievement of the weekend. Karl Daly followed closely with an impressive 34 points, with Rob Power one further back on 33. The Sandwedgers might have taken a battering, but that didn’t stop them enjoying a fine evening at the Bombay Palace with a few strictly medicinal pints to follow.

Day Two might have brought calmer playing conditions, but the Killeen Course (a former Irish Open track) still provided a worthy challenge. Colin Fearon of course teed off last.

Rob Power managed to hold out for a score of 38, which would bring him his third Sandwedgers title.

2019 Chairman
Karl Daly

2019 Participants
Karl Daly
Ronan McNabb
Rob Power
Tony Reeves
Colin Fearon
Brian O’Dwyer
Ivor O’Sullivan
Steve Kavanagh
Rob Kelly
Joe Conboy
John O’Loughlin
Gerry Quinn
Simon Boylan
Jamie Lavery
Niall Bruton
Tony Flynn

2019 Champion: Rob Power
2019 Sandwedger of the Year: Nigel O’Neill
Overall second place: Karl Daly
Closest to the pin Day Two: Gerry Quinn
Longest drive Day Two: Ronan McNabb
Quote of the week: Colin Fearon
Best dressed Sandwedger: Brian O’Dwyer

Karl Daly Trophy

Karl Daly Trophy

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Rob Ryan and Colin Fearon on the home straight.

Rob Ryan and Colin Fearon


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